Features & Benefits
- 100% Pure powder
- Pharmaceutical grade
- Packed without fillers or flowing agents
- Vegan Friendly
- Gluten Free
- Dairy Free
As a dietary supplement for general health take 1000mg with your favourite beverage between meals.
If you use NAC for more than a month, add a mixed amino acid complex to your treatment regimen to ensure that you are getting adequate, balanced amounts of all the Amino acids.
Tips for absorption of NAC: NAC is most effective when taken on an empty stomach, with a small amount of Vitamin C powder. Vit C enhances the conversion of NAC to Glutathione. If you’ve added a mixed amino acid complex to your NAC regimen, be sure to take it on an empty stomach as well, but at a different time of the day than you take the NAC.
As the Acetyl portion of the amino acid is quite irritating to the teeth, taking it through a straw is advised, and it also makes it more palatable.