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MagSRT (Malate) Jigsaw 240 tablets

Regular price $74.95

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Supplement Facts

Active Ingredients:  Magnesium (as dimagnesium malate), Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate), Folate (as Quatrefolic® 5MTHF), Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin), Malic Acid (as dimagnesium malate). 

The malate form of magnesium is 85% absorbable. 

 What can MagSRT help with?

- Support healthy muscle tone, overall energy, heart health & more
- Promote healthy, restful sleep
-  Promote healthy relaxed muscle tone & function
- Promote athletic recovery
- Support steady energy production
- Support a balanced response to stress
- Maintain healthy blood pressure levels within normal range
- Maintain healthy blood sugar/glucose levels within normal limits
- Promote regularity & healthy digestion
- Support the body's ability to properly dissolve & utilise calcium in joints, muscles  &      arteries
- Support respiratory & cardiovascular health
- Support healthy hormonal balance - especially in connection with the female cycle
- Support overall bone health

Jigsaw MagSRT contains:

- No artificial colors or dyes
- No yeast
- No preservatives
- No carnauba wax
- No egg
- No dairy
- Vegan safe
- No gluten
- No Soy

Please note:

If you are currently being treated for kidney disease, please consult your health care professional before taking any magnesium supplement as magnesium toxicity can occur in those with kidney disease.