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Lemon Myrtle Fragrances Natural Air Freshener 250ml

Regular price $22.95

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Featuring 100% natural Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil from its native home on the East coast of Australia, this Air Freshener is enhanced by the long lasting, refreshing and uplifting fragrance Lemon Myrtle is known for.

The antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial benefits of Lemon Myrtle along with the invigorating, zesty fragrance is an instant deodoriser for any indoor area. Perfect for the bathroom, to freshen the toilet and is effective in dispelling the unpleasant odours of stale cupboards, storage areas and around pet beds. This is also an effective all purpose surface cleaner.

Directions: A few sprays into the air will freshen any room or cupboard.
Spray into toilet bowl before use to capture unpleasant odours, or into the air after use.
Use on hard floors after pet accidents, and on pet beds. Patch test prior to use on fabrics.
As an all purpose surface cleaner: spray onto bench tops, sinks, tiles, splashbacks, glass, stainless steel and timber, wipe off using paper towel or a soft cloth.

Great for cleaning kitchen benches, cupboards, sinks, splashbacks and stovetops – the Lemon Myrtle oil cuts through grease easily
Cuts through soap scum on glass and tiles in shower and bath
Freshen stale smelling cupboards with a quick spray
Long lasting natural room deodoriser without the “chemical” smell
Spray into toilet bowl before use to quickly eliminate unpleasant odours
Handy to freshen pet beds and after in house pet accidents spray floor to mask odour to prevent pet toileting in the same area again