Shop online now to take advantage of our everyday cheap prices! Many other online retailers offer free or flat rate shipping but you pay more for each item costing you more in the long run. We only charge the shipping your order will cost to send. Compare our prices today!

Please Read Before Placing Your Order

After adding your item to the cart please use the Note section to provide us with anything we should be aware of when making delivery. This includes alternative drop off locations if you are out when the courier calls. 

This is what the Note section looks like: 


After you click on the Checkout button you'll be brought to the page where you'll need to let us know if you wish your order to be dispatched via courier or where you want to pick it up from us yourself. 

Please click on Ship if you wish your order dispatched via courier. 

Please click on Pick up if you wish to collect your order yourself. 

We would ask that you kindly double check that you have selected the correct option before clicking on the Continue to Shipping button. 

This is what those options will look like: