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DIY Solid Perfume Recipe With Essential Oils - please print yourself

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Solid Perfume Recipes with Essential Oils
Serves: Almost 2 oz
**PATCHOULI BLEND - 30 drops Patchouli Essential Oil and 20 drops Orange Essential Oil
**LAVENDER BLEND- 40 drops Lavender Essential Oil and 10 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
  1. Combine the carrier oil and beeswax in your tin and place this in your oven on a baking sheet.
  2. Turn the oven on to the lowest temperature, about 200 degrees, and let the beeswax melt. This shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, so you want to keep a close eye on it. You don't want the oil to get too hot, just warm enough that everything melts together.
  3. As soon as the beeswax has melted, carefully remove the tray from the oven. Add the essential oils and carefully stir with a toothpick to combine. This hardens in seconds, so work fast!
  4. Immediately cap your tin to prevent the volatile oils from evaporating into the air.
  5. Use on your hair, or the pulse points, on your wrists for a pleasant perfume.


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